Office – Prague

Syntea software group a.s.
Radlická 591/115
158 00 Praha 5

Headquarters and billing address

Pražská 142
252 65 Tursko – Praha západ

IČ: 27187951
DIČ: CZ 27187951
ID datové schránky: 4regitp

Zapsaná v OR vedeném MS v Praze v oddílu B,
vložka č. 9617

Map of the area during the holidays, when the passage of thr Hotel school Radlická is closed. VIEW MAP.



Ing. Jiří Kamenický

Business director

Mgr. Lenka Kamenická

Financial director

Ing. Petra Mansfeldová

Management services

Kateřina Dlouhá
Tel: +420 257 310 970, +420 257 310 971

Software and services that help you on the way to success…

  • We design, implement and service information systems with extensive databases and robust application programme equipment
  • We optimise the performance of extensive databases, we integrate extensive database systems
  • We develop our own technology, which speeds up the development and continuous evolution of customer applications

We also offer our services to you. If you are looking for a partner who will take care of the support and growth of your business activities, please fill in a contact phone number or e-mail address, a text message and push the button “SEND”. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

By pressing the SEND button, you consent to the processing of your personal information. By granting this consent, you acknowledge that the personal data provided by you is correct and true and that Syntea software group as, registered office at Tursko 142, district Praha-západ, postal code 25265, identification number: 27187951, registered in the Commercial Register at the Municipal Court in Prague, section B, insert 9617, is authorized to process your personal data to the extent of: name, surname, telephone number, email address, ID, for the purposes of: addressing your requests, complaints or inquiries. You grant your consent for a period of five years or for a shorter period if you decide to withdraw your consent before the expiration of this period. Consent may be revoked at any time by an express notice sent to the following email address: or via the sign out link in the footer of each email message. You can find more information on the processing of personal data HERE.